Tenacity Design Pty Ltd

Private Online Print Portal

By setting up a private store exclusively for you, we can streamline your print management and ordering process. This store will contain all of your pre-approved artwork and pricing, allowing for faster and more efficient ordering. Additionally, this store provides a clear understanding of your print usage and budget management, making it easy for bookkeepers and accountants to manage the financial aspect of ordering. With this system in place, you will have complete control and oversight of your print operations.

By speaking to one of our helpful account managers which will then help you to do a print audit to identify if you qualify for a free account. Call today 07 5500 5044

There is no cost for the online portal, however there are 2 conditions.

  1. You need to do a print audit, so we can see if we can help you. (Even if you choose not to use us, this audit could save you thousands of dollars)
  2. You need to commit to spending more that $2000 in the first 3 months

Print Audits

We use an Excel spreadsheet to map out exactly what you print every year.
We look at what you are currently paying and how we can reduce cost or create better order habits. Please be aware this is the hardest part of saving you thousands of dollars but it is so valuable. 

Without doing a print audit it is hard for us to show you value and Identify how we can best help you save 20% on your print bill.

There are 3 key drivers to saving money on your annual print bill

  1. Ordering the right quantities at the right intervals
  2. Negotiating lower print prices for ordering and bulk
  3. Reducing the volume of print you do every year by converting these print marketing materials into digital marketing assets that could be used last online

To help you we have created a template to make this easier to do. We will give you dedicated marketing and print experts to help you through every step of the way.
Once the audit is complete you get a full report and strategy showing you how to save up to 20%. 
In the rear event we can’t help you save 20% it would be up to you if you want to use us or not.


Art Work

Because we are a full service marketing agency we have the ability to dedicate our creative directors to recreate all of your files. We understand that it could be embarrassing to ask your current supplier to provide you with files they created. That's why we offer this free service.

Free Services

Our corporate print clients have access to these free services.

  • Print audits
  • Recreation of your artwork
  • Setting up your private store 
  • Print consulting services 


We believe in building long-lasting relationships and investing time into acquiring new clients but more importantly keeping existing clients is a no brainer for us.

Capability And Products

  • Booklets
  • Brochures
  • Business Cards
  • Envelopes
  • Marketing Kits
  • Pull Up Banners
  • Flyers & Posters
  • Labels & Stickers
  • Packaging 
  • Presentation Folders
  • Promotional Merchandise
  • Signage
  • Stationery